WOD – Oct 26th, 2011

“When the ARMS BEND, the POWER ENDS!” Coach Mike Burgener

Well, didn’t do the WOD I had written down because I saw the gym WOD and it look way more fun than what I had written.

As for the quote, that would be Coach B talking about the snatch or clean.

500 Meter Row
21 Squat Clean Thrusters RX(95/65), ADV (111/85)
500 Meter Row
15 Squat Clean Thrusters
500 Meter Row
9 Squat Clean Thrusters

14:07 – ADV

Is it weird to say I really really enjoyed this one? I found that rowing was my rest period as I kept my strokes per minute down to 20-24ish. Had the dampener set to 6 and was rowing an average 2:05, which isn’t too bad as my fastest time for a 500m row is 1:38.7 which is for a balls out 1 max row session. I did the squat clean thrusters in a single set so to speak. I would squat clean then do the thruster and then drop the bar and then do it again. Does that count as a single set as long as I didn’t take any breaks?

Anyway, over all a good day and WOD, hopefully my legs won’t be sore or too sore tomorrow for front squat day… Might have to switch shoulder press and front squats…

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